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Wednesday, March 23, 2022

My Very First 100 Words


My Very First 100 Words

by Rosemary Wells

Illustrations by the author

A Paula Wiseman Book

Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers


48 pages

ISBN: 9781665901161

Perfect for the baby and toddler. Rosemary Wells uses rhyme and rhythm to teach baby's first words. Cute characters populate each page as bunnies, ducks, mice, cats and dogs count, learn colors and even good manners. 

Brilliant cover and jacket design includes a word poster inside the jacket you may display in the child's room and bonus words, a seek and find challenge and a word tree complete the book. With an introduction by an expert in Speech and Learning, Barbara Laufer, MS CCC-SLP recommends this approach for children to learn their first words. "Children love the rhymes and rhythms of nursery songs," Laufer states. Also, there is a suggested page for parents on how to get "the most out of using this book with your child."

New parents may not know how to read aloud and change their voices for characters or to  point at pictures as they read. 

This is a sweet book for any child ages baby-beginning reader. Highly recommended. 

Thursday, March 17, 2022

The Start of a Great New Series: Once Upon a Tim


Fun, frolicking, wacky, goofy and wonderful, Once Upon a Tim delivers the first book in a promising series by master middle grade writer Stuart Gibbs who is able to deftly capture the humor and voice of his target audience. 

Tim is a poor peasant boy who explains the hierarchy of medieval life to the reader:  if you're born a prince, you have it made. If you're born a peasant, you can NEVER move up. You and all your offspring and their offspring will live in a hut with dirt floors and no windows, you'll eat gruel every day and you'll wear your only outfit every day because you don't own a change of clothes, but Tim dreams of more. 

When Princess Grace is taken from a neighboring kingdom, Prince Ruprecht announces he will take volunteers to become knights and help him save the princess from the evil Stinx, a malordorous (IQ booster, winking at you, Stuart Gibbs) monster who is particularly smelly and awful. 

With best friend Belinda by his side (she's a girl, but she, being a girl has it even worse than Tim does) in disguise as a boy, Tim with his fr-dog Rover, the Prince, Belinda and the Ferkle, the village idiot (every village has one), they set off the save the princess and kill the Stinx. First, they encounter bloodthirsty killer butterflies and defeat them with Rover's help.

Using jokes and IQ boosters (clearly identified and explained) only a storyteller like Stuart Gibbs could pull off this witty fairy tale without losing the pace of the story. Middle grade humor abounds with many a bathroom joke and Tim's narration is not only funny, but spot-on for readers. 

The only misstep is the IQ booster for cantankerous. Gibbs uses this sentence to show the word's meaning, "The cantankerous librarian kept shushing me every time I laughed about the hilarious  book I was reading." Librarians may have shushed kids when Gibbs was a boy, but this MODERN librarian takes offense at spreading the stereotype that librarians are mean and expect perfect quiet in the library. Modern libraries are actually quite loud and full of energy. Mr. Gibbs, you should visit a middle school library soon. 

Highly, highly recommended and sure to be a New York Times bestseller (like all Stuart Gibbs books), Once Upon a Time is winner! This book is likely to be hugely awarded come award season. One of the best books of 2022, and you heard it here first. 

Ages 8-12.  

Monday, March 7, 2022

Kids Can Save Our World Pick: To Change a Planet


To Change a Planet
by Christina Soontornvat
Illustrations by Rahele Jomepour Bell
Scholastic Press
40 pages
ISBN: 9781338628616 

To Change a Planet is a timely and welcome picture book which explains climate change and how just one degree warmer can affect the planet, the seasons, our animals and our future. One person is "small," but when one becomes many persons, big changes can be made to insure our future. 

Young readers will learn our planet is tough but needs all of us now in order to survive. "Our planet, our only home" is s strong message which should be a rallying cry to all people. What an important picture book! Important information is included in the author's note that will make kids (and parents) want to take action to save our home, our only home. To Change a Planet is a life-changing book that should be read by every human. 

Illustrations by Rahele Jomepour Bell capture Earth's beauty and humanity. They inspire hope for humans to work together for safety and a future for generations to come. 

Highly, highly recommended ages 4-8 but the book's message should be read and enforced by everyone. 

Friday, March 4, 2022

Funny Picture Book Pick: Goodnight, Butterfly


Goodnight, Butterfly

by Ross Burach

Scholastic Press


32 pages

ISBN: 9781338615012

Delightful, whimsical and laugh-out loud funny, young readers will empathize with Butterfly's silly questions and attempts to cheat sleep. Butterfly and Porcupine are two of the most lovable characters in a picture book. Ross Burach keeps kids laughing with his colorful illustrations of even more colorful character antics. 

Butterfly wakes up when a porcupine chomps on his breakfast nearby. Porcupine explains he is "nocturnal," and Butterfly responds, "I know you're not a turtle!" Porcupine says it means he's opposite--he eats at night and sleeps in the day. This sets off a barrage of silly questions from ever quizzical Butterfly. He asks if Porcupine does EVERYTHING opposite. 

This leads to a hilarious exchange between the two with exciting illustrations. Butterfly decides he, too, will be nocturnal and they can be best buds. He makes a "Big Plans List" for "BNFFs (Best Nocturnal Friends Forever)." As the night progresses, Butterfly gets more and more wound up. Porcupines suggests he sleep when Butterfly mistakes a pinecone for Porcupine--a  captivating illustration by master Ross Burach! Finally, Porcupine teaches Butterfly how to relax and put himself to sleep with happy thoughts. 

This picture book is bound to be a bedtime favorite as most youngsters will see themselves in Butterfly: too restless to sleep and too energetic to give in to slumber.

Highly, highly recommended for every child's bookshelf. This book's a real winner! Ages 3-8.