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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Coping and Cool: How To Stop Freaking Out: The Ultimate Guide To Keeping Cool When Life Feels Chaotic


How To Stop Freaking Out: The Ultimate Guide To Keeping Cooll When Life Feels Chaotic

by Carla Naumburg, PhD, LICSW

Illustrated by Letizia Rizzo 

Workman Kids

Workman Publishing


144 pages 

ISBN: 9781523518241

Publication Date: September 10, 2024

Written by a clinical social worker/author of parenting books, this comprehensive guide discusses feelings, emotions, actions, reactions and how to navigate tough situations while maintaining a cool head. 

Quick quizzes, text boxes, highlighted texts, lists and clever acronyms like BuRPing which stands for Button Reaction Practices, will help the reader learn to manage stress and tension. There are techniques for each letter of the alphabet; for instance, W is for Walk, take a walk and M is for move your body. These suggestions apply not only to young readers, but make sense for any person any age. 

Truth Bombs appear throughout set off in highlighted boxes and offer wisdom and guidance for the reader. Suggestions like taking a nap when worn out seems so logical, but few stressed out people will think of it let alone do it. 

Complete with a list of resources, How To Stop Freaking Out is the ultimate self-help book needed by every child ages eight and up (and of course, adults can learn a thing or two as well). Naumburg handles the topic without becoming preachy or condescending. The book, although serious, sets a tone of helpful, enthusiastic and hopeful. 


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Origin Story: Boy 2.0


Boy 2.0 

by Tracey Baptiste

Algonquin Books for Young Readers

Workman Publishing


304 pages

ISBN: 9781643753812

Book available October 1, 2024

Tracey Baptiste has created her own super-hero--dare I say--series? 

Being a foster kid isn't that bad, and Win (Coal) has seen everything and been placed in several homes, but when he has a run-in with an armed neighbor and somehow turns invisible, that's a whole other level of crazy. How did the armed man and later the police not see Coal? He "changed" his skin like a chameleon.

Sure, there's some glitches in turning invisible--like his clothes are still visible so he must be naked to be truly invisible, but it's a small price to pay for being a super-hero. Or is he a super-hero? And how can he learn to use his new-found power and control it? And how did he get this superpower? He knows so little about his birth mother or the man who adopted him. 

When Coal tells his best friend Door about his invisible run-in, Door doesn't believe him at first and refers to Coal's new power as, "a stupid naked superpower." The boys need to figure out how Coal is able to turn invisible and what causes it in order to keep themselves safe, so they turn to where else? The trusty library. Researching humans and chameleons brings up the name of a company: Mirror Tech. Coal is determined to travel to Newark to find out is he is a mutant or an orphan or both. 

The author weaves Coal's story masterfully, and a reader will have much to ponder about how skin color affects people's first impressions and society's treatment of a person based on their appearance. 

Boy 2.0 is a read that will stick with you long after the last page is turned. The novel has huge potential as an extended series and is a stellar win for the author and the publisher. Kudos Tracey Baptiste and Algonquin Books for Young Readers for not only an important story but one packed with excitement, bad guys, evil stealthy doctors, military secrets and a few normal kids who use their friendships and wiles to best a gigantic corporation and expose dark conspiracies. 

Highly, highly recommended grades 5 and up. If you read one superhero book, make it Boy 2.0 which is destined to become a bestseller, the next big thing and perhaps an entire franchise. This book is likely to win Every. Single. Book. Award. This. Year. 

Saturday, July 6, 2024

LGBTQIA Dictionary: The Queens' English


The Queens' English

The Young Readers' LGBTQIA+ Dictionary of Lingo and Colloquial Lingo and Phrases

by Chloe O. Davis

Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers

Adapted from The Queens' English  published in 2021

by Clarkson Potter 


336 pages

ISBN: 9781665926867

The Queens' English (Young Readers version) is adapted from a 2021 book also written by Chloe O. Davis. This version is aimed at much younger readers (not YA nor adults) who are interested in the language used by the  LGBTQIA+ and drag community. 

This concise compendium is a great asset for any library shelf and also a great gift for teens and/or families of teens. 

From homophobia to deadname (a word with particularly negative connotations for those who have changed their birth names) to the idea of a gingerbread person (used to help all ages understand sexuality and gender), this dictionary covers it all. Simply put, this is a book all of us (every human) needs to read. 

Understanding and accepting are the goals, and Chloe O. Davis has succeeded in making this a teachable moment! Kudos to the author! 

Highly, highly recommended for every library. The ideas and terms are presented in a straight forward way in language easy to understand. This is NOT a book about sex or acting promiscuously. An extensive list of resources offers readers more information and guidance. Full color illustrations, Did You Know? boxes which offer even the most reluctant readers quick, interesting facts and the terms used in sentences for better understanding are highlights. 

Grades 4 and up/ages 10 and up. 

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Picture Book Pick: What's New, Daniel?

What's New, Daniel?

by Micha Archer

Illustrated by the author 

Nancy Paulson Books

An imprint of Penguin Random House, LLC


32 pages

ISBN: 9780593461303

What's New, Daniel? is a quiet picture book filled with love, wonder and discovery. Daniel meets his grandpa at the park, and the elder asks, "What's new, Daniel?" This question set Daniel off on a quest for discovering really, "What's new?" He climbs up and his favorite, giant boulder and watches as the blackbirds have returned. 

Spring has indeed sprung. New ducklings are hatching, polliwogs are growing legs, leaves are unfurling, squirrels are building nests and even snakes are changing by shedding their skin. Daniel discovers he, too, is changing and growing. He's getting a new tooth, he can run faster than ever before, and he's growing like the polliwogs. Daniel recounts all the things he's seen and asks, Grandpa, "What's new?" 

The author's illustrations and  collages are beautiful and make this book an artistic gem. 

This picture book is a lovely interpretation of a grandpa with a special bond with his grandchild. Full of love, heart and family connection, What's New, Daniel? is that sweet book every child needs to read, even if they are far away from their grandparents. It is reminder to families to make more time to enjoy the outdoors, nature, the changing seasons and love. 

Highly recommended ages 2-6. 


Sunday, June 23, 2024

Fun Picture Book Pick: The Book That Almost Rhymed

The Book That Almost Rhymed 

by Omar Abed

Illustrations by Hatem Aly

Dial Books for Young Readers

an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC


 32 pages 

ISBN: 9780593406380

What's a rhyming older brother supposed to do when his loud, interfering detective younger sister keeps messing up his stories and rhymes? Play along, of course! 

Funny text by Omar Abed will keep young readers in giggles as they try to finish each rhyme with the obvious rhyming word that will fit and make sense only to realize each time little sister interrupts and throws out silly and sometimes outrageous lines that make no sense to the older brother, he's nice enough to go with with his sister's help as she takes the story into outer space, back in time to kingdoms, knights and you guessed it: DRAGONS, and aboard a pirate ship where they dance their way out of trouble. 

The pirate ship encounter begins, "On deck they faced a frightful sight/ The pirates were prepared to--"

Readers will guess "fight" is the rhyme, but Little Sister interrupts, shouting, "DANCE!" The picture of pirates dancing with the brother/sister duo is unexpected and clever. The Book That Almost Rhymed is a great way to teach rhyme and predicting what will happen next in the story, an important reading strategy for any reader. 

This picture book is bound to be a favorite at story time and must be read aloud. Savvy parents will not read this one at bed time as the young readers will want to interact with the story and shout out obvious word choices. 

Highly, highly recommended. The sibling relationship is lovely and lovingly depicted by Abed. Everyone will wish for this kind of fun with their siblings. PreK-grade 3 and older to teach rhyme. 

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Important Graphic Novel: Puzzled: A Memoir About Growing Up With OCD

 Puzzled: A Memoir About Growing Up With OCD

by Pan Cooke

Illustrations by the author

Rocky Pond Books

An imprint of Penguin Random House, LLC


224 pages 

ISBN: 9780593615621

Puzzled is an important book about growing up feeling different from other people. Pan is ten-years old when he begins to feel a little off kilter. His mind feels like a puzzle and he worries about "what if". What if he makes a scene in church? What if he blurts out curse words in class? Pieces of the puzzle float around his mind and are pictured in illustrations by the author as puzzle pieces.

He begins to think of all the dreadful things that could possibly happen and develops rituals to try to insure that they don't. Anxiety overwhelms him. The story follows Pan through puberty when things are always changing and GIRLS become a huge anxiety for Pan. What if he says something stupid? How is he supposed to act? Although these questions are common for most tweens and teens, Pan dwells in his anxiety-filled puzzle pieces. By age fourteen, Pan begins to have questions about his body and about food. Food becomes a terrible puzzle. While other students eat tons of french fries and candy, Pan is disgusted (yet jealous) to see they seem to have no problems with fatty, over-processed junk food. 

The author dispels popular myths about OCD, including being neat and tidy and a stickler for organization. Those things are not OCD. Overthinking and anxious thoughts are as is creating rituals to try to manage these thoughts. 

Pan seeks help once he realizes there might be a doctor who can help. 

The Afterword by Cooke is hopeful and honest. He's now an adult and a WRITER! He still has OCD, but he knows how to use tools to help himself. OCD can vary greatly from person to person. There is not one simple symptom to look for. Most people go eleven years or longer before they are diagnosed for the condition. 

The graphic nature of this book make it easily accessible even for the most reluctant reader. Colorful, understated art appears fun and happy, the opposite of most of Pan's thoughts and interactions with others. 

Recommended ages 10-up. Middle grade readers will be drawn to Puzzled. 

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Ethereal PIcture Book: In My Dreams


In My Dreams

by Effie Lada

Illustrations by the author

Clavis Publishing Inc. 


332 pages

ISBN: 9781605378657

Originally published in Belgium and the Netherland,

2022Translation from Dutch by Clavis Publishing, Inc. 

Simply transformative and ethereal art work by the author in grayscale pencil and pages with overlay that reveal hidden illustrations for the reader to discover make In My Dreams a treasure trove of artistic expression. 

A young girl tries to stay awake to "catch" her dreams and see for herself where they come from, but, alas, she always drifts off to sleep. Color is introduced to the story: the green of the girl's outfit, gorgeous pink feathers as the child drifts over the rooftops of her town, a red umbrella and a school of orange fish. The girl wakes in the morning to a world filled with color, and she is "herself." 

Sleepy, understated prose and beautiful images will make this book a nightly bedtime read. 

Highly, highly recommended ages 2 and up. Libraries must buy at least two copies; one for the shelf  (which is likely to be damaged after a few reads) and one for story time that will last years. 

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Must-Have Picture Book: Wild Places


Wild Places: The Life of Naturalist David Attenborough

by Hayley Rocco 

Illustrations by John Rocco

G.P. Putnam's Sons

An imprint of Penguin Random House, LLC


48 pages 

ISBN: 9780593618097

"If we take care of nature, nature will take care of us." --David Attenborough 

Simply stunning! Illustrations by John Rocco are stellar and among the best artwork found in children's books. The earth captured in colored pencil and digital paint open this amazing story of the most important voice in saving wild places for generations to come, for our children, our grandchildren and their grandchildren. 

When David Attenborough was a young boy, two-thirds of the planet was filled with wild places. David explored fossils and rocks around his home. Later he went to university to study wild animals and the places they live. Television was just gaining popularity, and David had an idea to do a show about animals. He traveled far and wide, showing viewers gorillas in Africa, penguins on icebergs, wild animals in the South American rain forests and everywhere else animals lived. Millions of viewers tuned in. 

Much to David's dismay, as time passed, humans began destroying natural places, building cities and skyscrapers. He sought out scientists and climate experts around the world. He sounded the first alarm to make wild places wild again. He insisted humans begin to use new ways to power their cities. Attenborough was intent on stopping overfishing in the oceans to help marine life and was an early advocate for eating less meat. Meat production takes many acres to raise the beef, lamb, and poultry and ruins the land. David insisted we replant trees to save our environment. 

The most powerful voice in ecology and natural sciences, David Attenborough brought saving our planet to the forefront of every political discussion worldwide. He believed, "If we take care of nature, nature will take care of us." 

The hit series "Life on Earth" had 500 million people watching it and learning about ecology and activism. The Author's Note, bibliography, and information of how to help change the destruction of wild places as well as huge problems we face as humans if we don't change are included. If everyone does their part, Attenborough is sure our planet will thrive. 

So highly, highly recommended and a must-have, must read, Wild Places is an obvious frontrunner for numerous literary awards this year. 

Grades 2 and up. 

Friday, May 31, 2024

Witchy Tale: The Garden Witch


The Garden Witch 

by Kyle Beaudette

Illustrations by the author

Eye of Newt Books, Inc. 


32 pages 

ISBN: 9781777791811

Quirky illustrations, funny characters, and a nod to old-fashioned fairy tales, The Garden Witch is a sure winner. This picture book will NOT sit on the shelf. Smart librarians will purchase several copies. It's that great! 

End pages give a nod to 1960s children's book and include a bookplate where readers can enter their name "This book belongs to..." fill in the blank. Poor witch lives alone with three very mean rats. They are lazy and call the witch names even though she cooks for them, gives them a place to live and cares for them. When Witch goes to market to sell her potions, no one visits her booth. Defeated the witch returns home. She faces the evil rat trio. They tell her to hurry up and feed them, and if she doesn't listen to them, they threaten they will eat her!

The witch tends her garden, seeking solace. She talks to her plants, telling them her woes. The garden uses its magic to grow a little turnip-boy. The Turnip is polite and cleans the house and agrees to go with the witch to the market to help her sell her wares. People are enthralled by the magic dancing turnip-boy and witch sells out of product. 

Returning home, the rats order the witch around. She doesn't let them eat her, in fact, she cooks and eats them! Witch and her turnip-boy have many happy years together and make a fortune at the market each week. 

The illustrations are quirky, clever and fun. The rhyming text begs to be read out loud. Savvy parents will do voices for the witch, the turnip-boy and the rats, causing young readers to giggle and ask for this story again and again. Beaudette is Canadian, so spelling is English, i.e., omelette, and "bum" is used for bottom. 

What a fun book! So different, no unique in the crowded picture book space. This is a gem of a book. A must-have, must-read ages 2 and up. 

Sunday, May 19, 2024

MG Pick: Faker


by Gordon Korman

Scholastic Press


224 pages 

ISBN: 9781338826760

Available for pre-order and on sale July 2, 2024 

Twelve-year old Trey is the son of a con man. His father has been in the con game forever and it's the only life Trey has ever known. When he was younger, he knew they moved a lot and he had to change schools frequently, but Trey learns about his father's game and does his part to help his family. Doing his part means making friends with kids who are from wealthy families and introducing Dad to them. The game is then on! Trey is torn between helping his dad and questioning the morality of it all, but  Dad says they only take from those who are so rich they won't even miss the money. 

If a con goes sour or his dad suspects the marks are savvy to his game, the family knows the term "Houdini" means LEAVE NOW. Trey and his sister do not have time to pack a bag or say goodbye to the new friends they've made. It's "get out of town" time. They ditch their phones because the phones can be tracked. They jet off to a beach somewhere for a "vacation" which means Dad will plan their next game. They buy new clothes, new phones and have no contact EVER to the people they have met. 

The con life is getting old, but Trey is excited when his dad makes him a full partner to the scams. Younger sister Arianna voices her opinion about Dad favoring Trey because he's a boy, but Dad assures her that her time will come. 

The next town they move to is in Kentucky and Dad's new scam is selling shares in a "secret" start up company that will manufacture the El Capitan, a car Dad  has made using his specifications to look like the grandest new car on the market. It is so captivating to the eye, and Dad makes sure to influence Trey's friend's parents by his well-timed, smooth delivery, salesman smile and his demeanor that all say El Capitan is the "next big thing," He assures would-be investors the car will be unattainable, rare, and in such short supply, they better act quickly. 

Trey is sailing along great, making new friends, enjoying himself until he gets an anonymous note warning him: I know what you're doing. Now he's freaking out! What if anonymous blows up their game? Trey is saved by a friend who knows the con game well because his family has their own game. 

His friend says the FBI isn't too far away, so Dad dumps the scam claiming the El Capitan has mechanical problems. Trey and his family are forced out of crime, but Dad has an answer for everything. Their future looks bright! 

Faker is a rollicking joy-ride full of humor and heart. Korman, always a masterful storyteller, shines in this latest book. Faked is by far the best book Korman has put out in a very long time. Highly entertaining and easy to read for even the most reluctant of readers. 

Highly, highly recommended ages 8-12 and even older if the reader loves Korman and diabolical antics. 

Monday, May 6, 2024

Picture Book Pick: Floof



by Heidi McKinnon

Illustrations by the author

Algonquin Young Readers 

Imprint of Workman Publishing Co., Inc.

Hatchette Book Group, Inc. 

32 pages


ISBN: 9781523525867

Floof is a fluffy, floofy cat who loves mischief-making. He's very busy all day. He has tons of work to do: unrolling the toilet paper, spilling coffee on the laptop, teasing the dog--(who is not his friend, but Floof doesn't care), playing in an empty box, rolling the ball for the dog--teasing again!, napping in a plant, napping in the laundry, napping on a stack of books. He's VERY busy. 

The illustrations tell the true story of Floof. He's a busy cat to be sure. His "work" is anything but work. For anyone who has ever loved a cat, Floof is the epitome of catastic. He's high energy, funny, silly, and a real charmer. 

Floof is a fun picture book for ages two and up. Readers will compare Floof to their own cat or cats they've known. 

Highly recommended for all animal lovers and little troublemakers. A must-have for every bookshelf and library. 

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Poetry Pick: In and Out the Window


In and Out the Window 

by Jane Yolen

Illustrations by Cathrin Peterslund


an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC


208 pages

ISBN: 9780593622513

From beloved author Jane Yolen comes In and Out the Window, a treasure of middle grade poetry sure to make readers want to share her poems and write ones of their own. 

In "Hook in the Water," Yolen writes, "Each poem a hook/flouting in the tide./ An invitation/to open wide..." Poems featured in the book are about school, after school, hobbies, friendship, the seasons, sports, pets and all the things important to kids ages eight to thirteen. In "Crayons: A Rainbow Poem," the poet says, "This box contains the wash of blue sky/spikes of green spring,/ a circle of yellow sun,/triangle flames of orange and red," capturing all the crayon colors in the box. 

"Winter Prayer" features this beautiful personification of, "Nature, in her grace, falls white/upon the rock's shoulder..." The book opens with "Why to Write a Poem" which is my personal favorite as a poet/reader/lover of poetry. Yolen says, "To sing up the sunshine/To bargain the moon,/ To follow the rainbow..." answering her own title's question. 

Complete with an index that makes it easy for children to find their favorite poems easily, this book of poetry will be read again and again. A must-have for every poetry collection, libraries should multiple copies as it will be widely checked out. 

The book would be a great introduction to any poetry unit regardless of grade levels. The poems are easy enough for ages eight to thirteen, yet also an asset for high school age students to learn the basics of poetry. 

Highly, highly recommended for all poets. 

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Environmental Pick: Planting Hope: A Portrait of Photographer Sevastiao Salgado

Planting Hope: A Portrait of Photographer Sebatiao Salgado

by Philip Hoelzel

Illustrations by Renato Alarcao

Atheneum Books for Young Readers

An imprint of Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing Division


48 pages

ISBN: 9781534477650

Beautiful artwork in watercolor and pencil illustrate the story of an important couple of environmental pioneers from Brazil. Sebastiao Salgado grew up in a green space in Brazil surrounded by the nature of beauty. As a child, he ran through the hills, fields and forests and swam in the rivers near his home. 

Later when he went to the city, he met Lelia and they marry. As the government in Brazil became precarious, they fled to Paris where Sebastiao began to photograph the world as he saw it. They traveled the world with Sebastiao clicking photographs of refugees fleeing their homes and people working. He captured war and Presidents of nations. After seeing the death of thousands in Rwanda, the couple go back to Brazil and his family's farm which he's inherited. Gone are the green fields and the mighty trees of his youth.

The land is ruined but he calls in a forestry expert who helps him plant trees. Every year the couple visited the trees they planted and watched the land heal. Meanwhile, photography kept them busy. They traveled to the North Pole and the Amazon and showed people of the world that we are all responsible for saving our planet. 

Returning to Brazil once more, they established The Environmental Education Center in Aimores, Brazil. They teach students and biologists with their seedlings and research. Because of the photography and care for the land, Sebstiao brought attention not only to Brazil, but to all corners of the world. 

Glorious artwork on the end papers draw the reader in. Visually stunning art by Renato Alarcao is award worthy! This is an important biography and non-fiction picture book and is a great introduction to any unit on ecology and environmental science. Young scientists may learn there are careers in photography and research. 

Highly, highly recommended as one of the most beautiful picture books of the year. Grades 2 and up. 

Friday, April 12, 2024

Halloween Pick: How Do Dinosaurs Say Trick or Treat?


How Do Dinosaurs Say Trick or Treat?

by Jane Yolen 

Illustrations by Mark Teague 

Scholastic Press


48 pages

ISBN: 9781338891980

Available July 2, 2024 

How Do Dinosaurs Say Trick or Treat? is the latest edition of the talented team of Jane Yolen and Mark Teague. Any fan of dinosaurs or Halloween will love this picture book. 

End pages are colorful and fun illustrations of various types of dinosaurs. Not only will children read a fun story, but likely true dino fans will memorize each dino name and locate them in the pages. 

Winning, rhyming text by Yolen never gets stale. Fans of the series of Dinosaur books by this talented team will consider this a must-have, must-read. You must read this book out loud. Young kids will love it! 

Highly, highly recommended for dino fans and everyone else. Ages 2 and up. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Healing Picture Book Pick: Moonlight Memories


Moonlight Memories: A Story of Healing After Loss

by Amanda Davis

Illustrations by Michelle Jing Chan 

Worthy Kids


32 pages

ISBN: 9781546003168

Piper feels empty after the loss of her mother. She doesn't want create art anymore until  she gets a telescope as a gift. Not only does Piper see stars in the skies, she sees her mother's face, "...a face that tucked her in at night...A face with cheeks that smelled of sweet vanilla..." Piper feels her creativity switch on; she draws again. Soon, her sketchbook and her room is filled with drawings of her with her mother. 

She wonders if her father will see what she sees when he looks through the telescope, but she decides to wait to ask him. One night, Piper looks through the lens and doesn't see her mother anymore, but she remembers all the memories, the "moonlight memories," of her mother. She leads her father to the telescope and says, "Your turn." 

Moonlight Memories is a quiet book, but deals with huge feelings. Full of hope, healing and love, it's a gem of a read. Illustrations by Michelle Jing Chan are transcendent. A stellar work of art with a beautiful message of hope, this picture book is a must-have. 

Ages 2 and up. This is a great book to open up conversations about loss of a parent and healing.