Loot: How To Steal a Fortune
by Jude Watson
Scholastic Press
272 pages
ISBN: 9780545633956
Get ready for non-stop action, great characters, mysterious bad guys, missing jewels, an old mystery, a dead man's last words, an old curse, a secret twin, or terrible orphanage worthy of Charles Dickens, evil conspirators, and a brother and sister who realize they're going to have to work together...like it or not.
Loot: How To Steal a Fortune is a fun adventure for middle grade readers. March and Jules make friends at the orphanage, well...not exactly friends, but allies who help them escape. The kids have to figure out what the father was working on and fast. They know he was going for a huge score...the biggest of his career. March has the decipher the clues from what his father left behind: a keychain, a pack of marked cards, and a list of cryptic phrases. March feels like someone is watching his every move, and maybe they are.
Jude Watson has a real winner on his hands. Loot: How To Steal a Fortune will keep readers captivated. I could not put this book down. Be ready for a read-a-thon.
Highly, highly recommended for anyone who loves action and mystery.
This book is available on the Scholastic Book Fair middle school fair. I picked up four copies for my school from the book fair.
FTC Required Disclaimer: I received the ARC from the publisher. I did not receive monetary compensation for this review.
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