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Saturday, August 7, 2021

Halloween Pick: Hardly Haunted


Hardly Haunted

by Jessie Sima

Illustrations by Jessie Sima 

Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers


48 pages 

ISBN: 9781534441705

A lonely, empty house on a hill thinks she might be haunted. She wants someone to buy her and move in and make her a home, but no one does. Only the funny black cat hangs out with her. 

House decides to be very quiet and maybe no one will notice she's haunted. But here comes a powerful wind that makes her roof moan, her foundation groan, her pipes rattle. House is impressed because all that noise was fun! 

She decides she'll wait for the right family who doesn't mind the fact that she's haunted. And a family of ghosts decide to make House their home. The house on the hill is happy.

Adult readers will have fun reading the creepy noises out loud and young readers will giggle and help with the "reading" of the noises. 

The character of House is a brilliant storytelling decision to personify a haunted house as the main character. Creative and whimsical, outright fun and only a teensy bit spooky, this is a great pick for Halloween story time. 

Highly, highly recommended for all young readers. This book is likely to be in the mix for many awards. 

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