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Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Picture Book Pick: Yetis Are the Worst!


Yetis Are the Worst!

by Alex Willan

Illustrations by the author

Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers


40 pages 

ISBN: 9781665921770ao

A bright new book from the children's author/illustrator who brought us Unicorns Are the Worst! and Dragons Are the Worst!, Yetis Are the Worst! shines the brightest of all. 

Gilbert the Goblin is out to prove Yetis exist and that they're not so mysterious nor as cool as everyone thinks. He sets off with his camera, climbing a mountain of snow to get the perfect photo of a yeti. Little does Gilbert know the yetis are everywhere around him, but he can't seem to see them. Young readers are sure to point out the "hidden" yetis and laugh as Gilbert attempts to locate even one yeti. 

When an avalanche comes roaring down the mountain, Gilbert falls into the yetis' secret hideout where he discovers yetis are just like you and me. They cook, they play music, and they even sit down to go to the bathroom! 

The yetis are fascinated by Gilbert and his camera and they happily take pictures. It turns out, as Gilbert says, "Yetis aren't so mysterious...they're just a little shy..." 

Adorable illustrations of the yetis fill each page and Gilbert's expressions and feelings captivate the reader. 

Highly, highly recommended ages 3 and up.

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