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Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Graphic Pick: Animorphs: The Graphic Novel (The Invasion)


Animorphs: The Graphic Novel

The Invasion

based on the novel by K.A. Applegate and Michael Grant

Adapted by Chris Grine

Scholastic Graphix


240 pages (fully illustrated, color)

ISBN: 9781338226485

Five friends witness a UFO landing in a construction site near their homes and have a close encounter with an alien from another world. He (?) is injured and appears close to death, but he tells the kids that another species is loose on Earth and it's here to destroy humankind. Called Yeerks, they are parasites, who inhabit other species' bodies (including humans) and there are many of them already here and living as humans. 

He gives them a box of Andalite technology which allows them to morph into other creatures, but warns them not to stay morphed for more than two hours or they will be unable change back. The Andalite tells them they must find Visser Three, defeat him and save the planet. 

The kids scatter when they hear danger, and watch in terror as the friendly alien is killed by slug-like aliens. They realize the power they hold and their mission to save themselves and their world. The kids practice morphing with some comic results. The boys have a hard time learning to morph back to human form WITH their clothes. Tobias becomes a red tailed hawk, Jake a dog, Rachel an elephant. In order to beat the worms, they'll need to harness their new powers and hatch a plan. 

Reluctant readers will gravitate to the super hero aspects of the story. Colorful graphic illustration panels make this an easy reader that will delight readers. 

Highly recommended grade 4 and up. This will likely be available through Scholastic Book Fairs (if any schools are able to have them) and online book fairs. 


  1. Some issues - not worth the book, but with your review. While the Yeerks are described as “slug-like”, there’s a big difference between slugs and worms. Also, the “friendly alien” is named Elfangor, and yes he’s male.

    You also typoed Visser Three as “Vigger Three”, a crime for which I’m sure he’d remove your head with his stolen Andalite tailblade for. Other than that & the fact that in the scene where Elfangor is killed, the only visible enemies are all host bodies - using “worm” to describe them at that moment is inaccurate.

    Great review otherwise!

  2. Thank you, as a fan, for pointing out any inconsistancies this blogger may have used. I have fixed the misspelled word to Visser. I apologize but reading graphic print in a strange font light blue on full color illustrations, the ss looked like gg. Also, I have fixed worm to slug-like. I hope everyone enjoys this fun graphic pick that is wonderful for reluctant readers!
